Mission Gorge Rate

Massage Thai Way (Mission Gorge)

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being a loyal and consistent Massage Thai Way customer over the years. Your satisfaction means a lot to us.

On that note, we are going to be raising our prices on massage services. The price is changing on September 1st, 2023. There will be a small increase to the cost on our services due to inflation and increase in overhead costs. Our new prices will allow us to better serve you and our future customers!

Thanks again for your understanding,

Pregnant Customer please consult your Doctor before making appointment and it can be done via phone appointment only

Cash, Visa and Master Card Accepted

When gift certificate or vouchers are used, we prefer tips by cash, or there will be $3 credit card processing fee for paying only tips on credit card.

We work very hard for our customers and we greatly appreciate tips.